Alan Orr
A graduate of the United States Naval Academy with a degree in Aerospace Engineering, Alan holds Series 6, 63, 65 and 26 securities licenses plus state life and health insurance licenses.
He is a member of the Financial Planning Association and GAMA International. As a First Command Financial Advisor, Alan is committed to helping his clients pursue their financial goals and lifetime dreams by bringing sound financial knowledge and trustworthy advice to a lasting relationship with each individual and family he serves.
Married with three young children, Alan is a sponsor of the Missouri Special Olympics and member of the Mentorship Board at DeSmet Jesuit High School. He enjoys boating, being outdoors and coaching his children in all of their various activities, including swimming, baseball and hockey.
- Comprehensive financial planning
- Investment strategies
- Retirement income planning
- Education funding solutions
- Asset allocation and management
- Insurance solutions
- Risk management
This webpage contains a testimonial from a Financial Advisor for First Command Financial Services, Inc. and/or its affiliated entities (together "First Command") regarding their District Advisor. It is shared solely for purposes of recruiting (i.e., to help you determine whether a career as a Financial Advisor is a good fit for you). It is not intended to be an advertisement for First Command's products or services. The testimonial was provided by the Financial Advisor on a strictly voluntary basis. First Command has not paid any compensation to the Financial Advisor for the testimonial; however, the Financial Advisor is a paid employee or independent contractor of First Command and is supervised by the District Advisor with respect to their day to day activities. The testimonial may not be representative of the experience of other First Command Financial Advisors and is no guarantee of future performance or success. First Command does not discriminate in the recruiting of Financial Advisors on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, age or veteran status. No information solicited by First Command from you is intended to be used in a discriminatory manner. All information provided by you will be reviewed carefully, but the receipt of an Advisor application or other information does not imply that you will be offered the opportunity to enter into a Financial Advisor/Agent Agreement with First Command.